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Lush | Plum Rain Shower Gel

A while ago, around August, I went to the V&A Waterfront. I decided to pop into Lush after checking out the new Urban Decay store, and look for something for me mumsy's birthday. After getting her a VERY cute little "Scrubbe"body bath bar, I asked the very lovely lady who was helping me (why is every employee at Lush so sweet though? It's such great customer care), I asked her what the most popular shower product is (after "Buffy", "Scrubee", and "It's Raining Men").

She then handed me this, the "Plum Rain" shower gel. She informed me that it is their first self-preserving shower gel that Lush has made (if I remember correctly), which is awesome! I got the little 100g bottle, for R95.

After testing it out for about a month, I thought I'd share my thought on it, in case you've been contemplating getting it because (like me), you may not have a bath to try out all of their amazing bath products, so you have to give all their shower products a go.

Now, I have used this almost every day since I bought it, and I've still got maybe a week or so, left of it. I think a little goes a long way with this. I really enjoy the sent of it, as it uses fresh plum juice (it may not be my favourite smell ever), but it's very fresh and up-lifting. It gives a lovely fruity scent when you wash yourself with it. However, I didn't find that the scent lingered very long after I'd used it. What I did find pretty cool is that (like most Lush shower gels), you can use this to wash your hair with to, because it doesn't contain any harmful ingredients. Although the shop assistant said I shouldn't leave it in my hair for too long (as I have light hair, and the gel is a plum purple), I've told myself it acts a bit like a silver shampoo, hahah. Whether it actually does or not, I'm not actually sure...

After using this for about a month, the gel started to get little crystallised-like bits in it, as if it's like tiny pieces of hard jelly I suppose? I don't know why it's done this but I feel it might be because of the self-preserving properties of it. I'm still using it, and these little bits seem to be lessening whilst I continue using it - I just don't know why it started doing that, I'm very intrigued to find out though.

This is the gel when it was still nice an smooth. Now, just imagine little granules almost, in that liquid. I guess I got an extra bit of exfoliating along with it, lol.

I know it says "best used fresh", but it also has a use-by date for 2018... so, I'm just confused as to why it's doing this. I don't think it'd a bad thing, but something that I didn't expect to happen.

All-in-all, it's a nice shower gel. I don't think I'll be repurchasing it, just because it's not my ultimate favourite, but people who enjoy fruity, sweet smells surely would like this. Also, I'm in love with "it's Raining Men", and that shower gel is just so amazing that I just set the bar up too high for out gels, it's SO GOOD!

I hope you did find this helpful though, thank you so much for giving it a read.

What are some of your favourite Lush products if you've tried any? Let me know it the comments x

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